Ardbeggeddon III - Monday January
14, 2002 Well, sadly Ardbeggeddon was moving towards the inevitable conclusion - similar to when a favorite malt begins to "collapse in the bottle". A sad event for sure, but redolent with warm, wonderful memories. The only thing that made sense at this point was to spend some time looking for missed gems and revisiting the more stellar drams - and of course killing off any near-dead soldiers, as appropriate. We convened the final full day around mid-morning in S'tan's lair and for my skalk I chose:
We immediately began grumbling about whether it was physically possible for Adelphi to print the labels any smaller. As is usually the case, those of us with glasses had to try to read the label without them and even those with "good eyesight" read the label from a distance of less than an inch. ok, so we're probably just an old grumpy group of seriously drammaged goods....
That was it, Ardbeggeddon was over - both finished for now and over the top. PLOWED Rocks and Ardbeggeddon Rules! List of "known" post A3 sub-tastings
Some notable Quotes from the forth and final day of A3: S'tan's already planning A3.1 - I guess you can't get hung up in the here and now (either FX or Usigetom... notes are unclear... actually handwriting is atrocious for only my second dram of the day!). Beef Newtons (Usigetom's idea of a manly dessert) ...that was a classic drive-by FOAF... (the one that didn't get away) Double-hulled Malt Tanker - forward in all directions! (not sure what this was all about but folks REALLY liked it - ab out 12 drams into the day...) I've posted the photos from Monday here - Tuesday, January 15, Skalk back to reality.... last updated on 2/23/02 |