Ardbeggeddon III - Las Vegas - Day 4


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Dscn0196 Dscn0197 Dscn0198
FoaF and Loco contemplate their skalk (aka skulk) Tom is optimistic about another day of amazing drams ahead FoaF declares A3 a total success and hits the road! Monday ~3:30 pm?
Dscn0199 Dscn0200 Dscn0201
Tom's A3 contributions... Awesome! S'tan discussing free-style dramming w/Ulf. FX helping me update website
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Tom updating his dramming database FX seriously communing with his skalk. The dramming table at the beginning of day 4 - Monday around 5 pm.
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Making up more whisky haikus... FX is evil! Sir Dave made me finish the Lord of the Isles - huge dram! He's more evil than FX... The death of the Lord of the Isles...
Dscn0211 Dscn0212 Dscn0214
Tom lipping the Black Bowmore - PLOWED again! John, Barbara and FX - the dramming has begun in earnest. Notice how Barbara's glass is getting bigger?
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Loco, S'tan, and Uisgetom surveying the table S'tan and Sir Dave comparing LE Springer thoughts Dave lost in a sea (forest?) of malt whisky - he doesn't look worried.
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