Ardbeggeddon III - Day 1 in Las Vegas


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Dscn0056 Dscn0057 Dscn0058
Steve suspiciously absorbing some malt lore The crateur is starting to whisper to us Loco about to pounce on an obscure malt factoid.
Dscn0060 Dscn0061 Dscn0063
Alan at the altar (alter) Bushido very pleased with the Black Bow - Mike is unimpressed. Mike is completely under S'tan's control here
Dscn0065 Dscn0066 Dscn0067
S'tan luring Ulf over to the dark side... Ulf is still resisting here. S'tan tells Ulf about the "unadvertised" percs he can offer Aaron going after an Adelphi - impossible to tell which one from the photo
Dscn0069 Dscn0070 Dscn0072
PLOWED Group Shot - Day 1 (note devil-like horns sprouting already - S'tan is in the house!) Day 1 deemed a total success! Side table at end of Day 1 - watch the chaos totally subsume this table over the next 4 days!