Ardbeggeddon III - Day 1 in Las Vegas


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Dscn0027 Dscn0028 Dscn0029
Ulf, Mark and I survey S'tan's table. Matt calls Doug, the PLOWED VP in absentia, to "officially" kick off A3. S'tan and Bushido hungrily eye the table o'drams. Ulf and Mark considering their next dram.
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Day 1 table o'drams. Roy arrives and pours himself a dram of '65 Local Barley. Arrhhh! He found a dram that's NOT crrrrap!
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Was that the Black Bow? Ummmmm! Roy washes out taste of Black Bow after Ulf spills the beans... Nano and friends arrive - Nano still has his coat here.
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John arrives and sneaks in his daily surprises. Steve and John seriously considering something... Nano researches his next dram.
Dscn0047 Dscn0048 Dscn0051
Looks like the 20 yo CC Ardbeg w/the screw top... Roy has enough and berates us as he heads out to actually have a good time... come back next year Roy! Settling in for some serious dramming now
Dscn0052 Dscn0054 Dscn0055
Another view of the dramming room. Bushido, Mark and Mike discussing malt esoterica John analyzing the glass (in relation to the dram)