Ardbeggeddon VI - Saturday January 8, 2005


  1. (28)  Skalk - Bruichladdich 21 yo

  2. (29)  Plowed port Ellen, 22 yo, 61.



3:15 am - I'm abandoned at Dram Central by Alan.  Only S'tan has not "departed" and snores next to me.


 The rest of the house is in bed and the early departing PLOWEDsters start leaving mid-day Sunday....  it's a CRIME!

Sitting here at the table with drams 41-43 sitting in front of me...  introspection...

....I'm still here...

4:00 am - S'tan crashes - he leaves me up all alone...  he says he "trusts" me....  everything including evil is asleep - except for me.  I'm trying again to dram my age....   

...60 cycle hum in the air...  I feel good....  and I dram on... 

I'm sitting here at 4:30 am at 45 drams for the day and a total of  / ~300 for Ardbeggeddon VI as a whole.   Doing realy well!  Here's a pictures(s) of me at $:37 am taken by me...




Notable quotes from Ardbeggeddon VI - Day 2

"This is the best Aberfeldy that you've had in the last 5 minutes."  Brian

"He's dreaming his age"  FX discussing Slur Dave's A6 goals.

You don't always get to dram the whiskies you wish you had - you dram the whiskies you have"  Port Alan

"Be part of the solution, eh?"  FX


Unprocessed Photos from Day 2

Ardbeggeddon 6


Last update on 01/10/2005